
Hosea 4:1-3a, 5:13-6:6

Sermon Notes

Pressing On
  1. THE NEED TO PRESS ON (Hosea 4:1-3a, 5:13)
    1. The threat of sin (4:1-3a)
    2. The threat of false saviors (5:13)


  1. THE HOPE OF PRESSING ON (Hosea 5:14-6:3)
    1. God’s discipline is for our good (5:14—6:2)
    2. If we truly seek Him, He will come (6:3)


  1. THE HEART OF PRESSING ON (Hosea 6:4-6)
    1. It is not fleeting or external (6:4-5)
    2. It is rooted in Steadfast Love and Intimacy (6:6)