College/Young Adult - Inner Bean
Flint Hills Bible Church - information about the Inner Bean coffee house near the Emporia State University campus for college and young adults
College/Young Adult
Flint Hills Bible Church owns a Coffee House called the Inner Bean at 1328 Exchange St. During the school year, It is open Sunday - Tuesday & Thursday, 6:00-10:00 PM and Wednesday, 6:00-7:00 PM. Being just two blocks out from the campus, it is a great way for the church to make connections with students! Xenos is the outreach aspect our our College and Young Adults ministry at Flint Hills Bible Church. Xenos is also a recognized student organization on campus at Emporia State University. Informally, Xenos members are encouraged to seek opportunities to make disciples on campus and represent the Lord in all they do. In addition to our general call in Matt 28:19 we have some formal settings for interactions with ESU students.
Xenos Small Groups: We have a variety of college age focused small groups intended to minster to ESU and FHTC students and young adults that meet off campus and at the Inner Bean Coffee House. They meet on a different days at various times.
Xenos Bible Study: (Wednesdays at 7PM) With so much going on at work, school and church it is nice to be able to have a time to get all Xenos members and our new friends connected and encouraged. That is why we have set aside Wednesday nights to make sure we are doing just that. This is a time that we make sure we are connecting with the Word, in song, in fellowship, and with each other and our new contacts on ESU and FHTC campuses. We meet at The Inner Bean Coffee House located two blocks from ESU at 1328 Exchange St.
Xenos Events: We have a variety of different events throughout the school year to include retreats, Friday night game nights, etc.
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