Flint Hills Bible Church Missions - why we support missions, and who we currently support.
FHBC Missions Ministries:
Flint Hills Bible Church has a long tradition of faithfully supporting mission work – locally, regionally, and across God’s marvelous earth. Revelation 5:9 records that God has redeemed people from every tribe and tongue and people and nation. We at FHBC are a part of God’s wonderful work, and we thank God for His grace in allowing us to participate in spreading the Gospel and seeing souls redeemed from the wrath of God.
The Great Commission of Matthew 28:19-20 instructs us at FHBC to go and make disciples, beginning in Emporia, then Kansas, and to the uttermost parts of the world. Our mission giving supports our obedience to this command and our hearts desire is to see people from every people group on the face of the earth become a part of God’s eternal family.
Therefore, FHBC supports the following missionaries / organizations:
- Emporia Christian School - www.emporiachristianschool.org
- Inner Bean - www.flinthillsbc.org/collegeyoung-adult-innerbean
- TMAI (The Master's Academy International) - www.tmai.org
- Undisclosed Middle Eastern Nation
- Reigning Grace Counseling Center - http://www.rgcconline.org/